HowTo ===== **Compare the content of two namespaces (or two directory trees)?** Generate a list of all objects for each of the namespaces (or directory trees):: hcpt --user ns1 --password ns101 -v -l hcp1.log -i3 \ list --cluster ns1.matrix.hcp1.vm.local --dir /rest \ --database hcp1_db --keepDB --fatDB --nooutfile hcpt --user ns1 --password ns101 -v -l hcp2.log -i3 \ list --cluster ns1.matrix.hcp2.vm.local --dir /rest \ --database hcp2_db --keepDB --fatDB --nooutfile You’ll end up with two files, ``hcp1_db`` and ``hcp2_db``, each containing a SQLite3 database. You’ll also have two logfiles, ``hcp1.log`` and ``hcp2.log``, at whose end you’ll find the number of objects found. Now, prepare a command file ``cmd.sqlite`` with this content:: attach database hcp2_db as hcp2; .header on .output compare.txt select min(urlname) from (Select urlname, size, retentionstring from main.flist Union all Select urlname, size, retentionstring from hcp2.flist ) tmp group by urlname having count(*) = 1 order by urlname; Run ``sqlite3`` to find the differences between the namespaces (or directory trees):: sqlite3 -init cmd.sqlite hcp1_db You’ll end up with a file ``compare.txt``, holding the paths/names of those objects available in only one namespace (or directory tree).